Monday, November 26, 2018

An Interesting Pespective

I was hanging out with my family this past week, and we were browsing through the new movies available on Apple TV.  After watching the trailers for Peppermint and Mile 22, I pointed out that both of them were produced by the same Chinese film company: Huayi Bros. My mother made an interesting observation: both of these movies are about Americans killing Americans.

Now in Peppermint the protagonist is killing illegal immigrant drug dealers, and in Mile 22 they're killing criminals/terrorists justifiably - and such criminals should been seen getting their just rewards, but it got me thinking.

We know that the Chinese are seeking to increase their influence over the USA, and one of the ways to do this is through our culture, and what better vector than movies.

Politics is downstream from culture. What does China gain, politically, by influencing our culture in this way?